Teaching is an honourable profession, and we take our role as second teachers with the greatest of responsibility and humility.

- Dr. Benson Soong
(PhD, Cambridge)

Our Pedagogy

Let's say you have two choices
Listening to a long lecture
Having a discussion with an expert
Which one would you pick?

Learning occurs naturally when teaching is dialogic in nature. Think about it -- Are you more likely to change you mind if someone simply told you to, or if you were involved in a dialogue that explored multiple views? Clearly, people would be more likely to remember and understand new information if they were involved in a conversation about that information, rather than simply hearing one person's view on it (or reading the official definition of that information from a book).

That’s why our approach is based on:

Natural Conversations

Our videos are all based on dialogue between a teacher and a student. These videos will engage you as you’d be able to relate to both the teacher and student, as you learn naturally at your own pace.

Shared diagnostics

The responses provided by you in our videos are analysed and shared with your school teacher, so that s/he can carry on that conversation with you in school.

Online presence

You can also have a discussion with us too via our online platform! We are, after all, your second teacher :)

Our Technology

To get the desired results, we had to invent some new technology (such as APollo and IVy) and use existing ones (such as Kahoot!). If you are interested, you can read more about the technology we use below.

PS: Benson (our academic leader) is a “true Teacher of Awesome by acing the gold course of Kahoot! Certified”

Ours Offerings

We currently focus on the Cambridge IGCSEs Exams because of our in-depth expertise and knowledge in the Cambridge syllabuses and the Cambridge learner and teacher attributes.

If you wish to seek further information about our company, please visit our corporate website, www.advancedpedagogy.com
Physics - 0625 / Physics (9-1) (0972) is ready for adoptive trials in (selected) schools in 2019.
IGCSE Biology, IGCSE Chemistry, IGCSE Coordinated Science, IGCSE Combined Science, and IGCSE Additional Mathematics will be available for adoptive trials in schools in 2020.